Teens Smoking 2 |

Description: |
Double H videos, off the market for years until now, focus on heavy and accomplished smokers with a premium placed on strong backlight to show thick smoke. Five great looking teens are this tape's feature. Five California teens, ages 18 and 19, are excellent smokers who vary from tight mouth exhales, to nice big nose exhales.There is natural audio. Since the Double H videos were all shot in analog format many years ago, the video quality isn't quite the same as today's digital videos - you may get best results by setting your media player display at 50 percent for this video. |
Actors: |
Various |
Studio: |
Double H Videos |
Categories: |
Length: |
45+ Minutes |
Other Movies Like Teens Smoking 2 |
 Teens Smoking |
Double H videos, off the market for years until now, focus on heavy and accomplished smokers with a premium placed on strong backlight to show thick smoke. Four attractive teens (a blonde, two brunettes and a redhead) smoke seductively in this video. There is extensive on-topic smoking dialogue, which leads to a myriad of talking exhales. Four distinct smoking styles are portrayed, showing you a varying degree of inhales and exhales, with lots of nose exhales as well. There is also a large segment devoted to shotgunning and smokey kisses, plus a few raspy coughs as the girls devour their Marlboro 100s. Dialogue and natural audio. Since the Double H videos were all shot in analog format many years ago, the video quality isn't quite the same as today's digital videos - you may get best results by setting your media player display at 50 percent for this video. |